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Guided indoor navigation inside malls

Magical Navigator platform uses AR technology to help people navigate through large indoor spaces such as shopping malls, airports, museums, and other public spaces. AR-based navigation allows users to access real-time information about their surroundings and obtain directions to specific destinations in the building.


  • Display of the exact time it takes to reach an indoor destination point.
  • Display of the distance to reach the destination point.
  • Explore excited offers on different products.
  • Navigate to a store using the app and redeem points at the store.
  • Explore stores inside the malls by purchase category.


  • Precise navigation with the aid of virtual cues
  • Guidance and Assistance by Virtual Characters
  • Helps customers to find right stores and products inside mall
  • Indoor navigation inside the stores facilitating smart retail environment
  • Helps users with its location tracking and personalized recommendations
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