Augmented Reality Textbooks

Magical Reader technology provides Augmented Reality (AR)-based textbooks, which are a new type of educational material that incorporates AR technology to enhance the learning experience. Instead of solely relying on text and static images, AR-based textbooks use a combination of multimedia elements, including 3D models, animations, videos, and interactive simulations, to help students visualize and understand complex concepts.

AR-based textbooks work by overlaying digital content on top of the physical pages of the textbook. Students can use their smartphones or tablets, equipped with an AR app, to scan specific pages of the textbook and trigger the corresponding digital content.

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Augmented Reality for Education


  • Image recognition based Augmented Reality.
  • Overlaying relevant interactive 3D objects on textbook images.
  • Can aid learners in understanding abstract concepts more easily.
  • Students can explore objects from all angles in 3D.
  • No special equipment is needed, smartphones with our app is enough.


  • Increases learner’s level of perception.
  • Students receive Augmented information.
  • Pop out textbook images.
  • 3D interactive contents to represent real objects.
  • Helps students better conceptualize complex ideas and theories.
  • Science models can be better explained using AR.
  • Higher student engagements and effective learning.
Augmented Reality For Education
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