Why WebAR ?

WebAR uses web technologies s to create AR experiences that can be accessed using a smartphone or tablet camera, without having to download any additional software. WebAR works by overlaying virtual objects on top of the real-world environment captured by the device’s camera.

WebAR can be used for a variety of purposes, including marketing and advertising, education, entertainment, and e-commerce. Some examples of WebAR applications include virtual try-on for clothing and makeup, interactive product demonstrations, and educational simulations.

Play Video about Product Walkthrough using we based web based AR
Play Video about FMCG products walkthrough using

Advantages of Web based AR

Easy Accessibility: WebAR does not require any app installation, so users can easily access AR experiences directly from their web browser. This makes it more accessible to a wider audience.

Wider Reach: Since WebAR is browser-based, it can be accessed from any device with a compatible browser, including smartphones, tablets, and computers.

No App Download: Users do not have to download or install any app, which can be time-consuming and may require a significant amount of storage space.

Faster Loading Time: WebAR experiences can be designed to load quickly, without the need for large app downloads. This ensures a smoother user experience and encourages users to engage with the AR content.

Flexibility: WebAR can be easily integrated into existing web pages, allowing businesses and organizations to create seamless AR experiences that are tailored to their specific needs and objectives.

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